A FREE virtual event to help kids start their digital journey. Join workshops and competition and you may walk away with some awesome prizes!

13th to 19th December 2021

Join to watch Tutorials Now
*First 500 participants will receive a voucher pack!
Check out the schedule below


3 Types Activities for your kids

★Watch Tutorials►Available now in the website!
★Join Comic Competition►
Prizes are DIGITAL DRAWING TABLET and mint your artwork as NFT (non-fungible token)!
★Attend Live coaching►Block your date 13-18 Dec

Register for #anithinkfest Now
*First 500 participants will receive a voucher pack!


How to get Started Making My Comic Video?

I've registered for Comic Competition and watched the videos.. now what? How to get started? Are you a little confused? Let me try to help you out! ~Sincerely, Teacher Alice

How to Join the festival?


Live- Coaching Workshop Schedule

Attend 5 live coaching sessions to get a E-cert endorsed by MDEC!

Video Tutorials available Starting November 13. Register to access them.